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Telescope configurator with new telescopes: 6 steps to your dream telescope

Optics, mounts and accessories: For two years you have been able to use the Astroshop.de telescope configurator to custom compile your own telescope, and now we have considerably extended the configurator’s functions. You can now choose from 12 different telescopes and adapt the telescope to even better serve your needs.


In the past, you have had to content yourself with the telescopes on offer. Why not switch things up and make buying a telescope a more personalised experience? This is what we at Astroshop.de thought, too, when we designed the configurator. We started with two Newton telescopes.

Now, the Advanced Telescope Series offers a full range of new reflectors and refractors:

Would you like to give it a try and take a look at the telescopes? This way to the telescopes!

How to start telescope selection

It’s fun to play with the configurator. What might my telescope look like? Which mounts and accessories are important to me? Do I prefer a simple or a more sophisticated eyepiece?

Simply click on this link and start configuring your dream telescope by first choosing the optics. The overview shows all available optics including basic prices. Step by step, you now make your way to mounts, focusers, eight different finderscopes, eyepieces and other accessories.

When it comes to accessories, you may even skip individual steps; for example, if you already have good eyepieces. This means that you are almost entirely free in your selection.
And the best part is: You can activate or deactivate your selection with a tick on the right. You can see in real-time how the prices change in the top right corner. This way, you not only choose each individual telescope component, but you also have full control over pricing.

Protection against unsuitable combinations

One of the most important prerequisites: the tubus needs to match the mount. How quickly do you accidentally place too large an optics on too small a mount. Using a 6” refractor, for example, on a small EQ-300 mount would be an unstable and shaky affair, as if you were using a telescope on a sailing ship in heavy seas. To avoid this, not every tubus can be combined with every mount. In this case you won’t see a tick but a cross next to the item.

No matter whether you’re a beginner or an advanced stargazer: For hobby astronomers, the telescope configurator is an alternative to the finished telescope sets. It simply gives you more control when purchasing your telescope.

Why not give it a try: configure your telescope now.