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Orion > Orion V-Block Anti-Fringe Filter 1,25''
Artikel-Nr.: 14562

V-Block Anti-Fringe Filter 1,25''

$ 85,- inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
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In the case that this article currently is not available from the warehouse, please note the following: we order from this supplier in regular intervals. Please place your order now, so that we may take into account your order and deliver the article to you by the above-mentioned date. If you need the article earlier, we can rush it for you for an additional price. In this case, please contact our customer service department.

Please note: This text was taken directly from the manufacturer.
With refractors, it's normal to see some purple fringing or halos around bright objects such as the planets, Moon, and bright stars. Such false color, or chromatic aberration, results from the inability of a standard two-element ("achromatic") lens assembly to focus all wavelengths of light to a single point. The effect is particularly pronounced at higher powers. But if you are the type that thinks halos look better on angels than on astronomical objects, then our V-Block filter is for you. It effectively removes the distracting color halos from around bright objects, greatly improving image sharpness, color, contrast, and resolution.

Technische Daten


Anti-Fringe Filter
Anschluss (teleskopseitig)
Vergütung der Optik
Orion V-Block Anti-Fringe Filter 1,25''


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