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Artikel-Nr.: 67576

Regional-Karte Geodynamische Karte des Mittelmeers

$ 27,90 inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
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This publication is the result of a new CGMW cartographic concept. The prime purpose of the Geodynamic map of the Mediterranean was to produce an updated synthetic picture of the current geodynamics of the region, compiled from several different and dishomogeneous data sets relevant to recent tectonics, to seismicity, kinematics, and volcanism.

As a matter of fact, the Mediterranean region and surrounding areas are a key collisional region where the Nubia, Arabia, Somalia, and Eurasia lithospheric plates interact. The time period selected is relatively short, from 300 000 years to Present, covering the last two glacial maxima and the intervening interglacial. Actually, it is assumed that the kinematic pattern of this period, inferred from geodetic measurements, remained stable but is nevertheless long enough for providing geological evidences of the activity of tectonic features.

Set of 2 sheets:

  • On sheet 1, Tectonics and Kinematics, the main map displays: several types of tectonic features (faults, thrusts, …) that might have been activated or reactivated during the time lapse considered above (Late Quaternary); velocity vector of the plates' movement; some 237 eruptive centers assumed to have had volcanic activity during the last 150 000 years. The velocity vectors have been established using mainly geodetic measurements provided by the latest (2003) GSRM model. A Geodynamic inset summarizes the geodynamic features of the main map: well defined plate boundaries; diffuse deformation zones; minor plates (or blocks; e.g. Adriatic plate, or Danakil block); vectorial field of plate motions.
  • On sheet 2, Seismicity and Tectonics, the earthquakes are displayed on the same tectonic pattern as sheet 1. As a matter of fact, seismicity, the main cause of natural hazards in this region extending in the map from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean and Caspian Sea, underlines the current tectonic activity. The earthquakes are plotted essentially from the International Seismological Center database and concern the period 1964-2003. Only relocated events have been considered. The epicenters have been represented using different symbols according to their magnitudes (3-4.4; 4.5-5.4; = 5.5) and their focal depths (0 - 50 km; 51-100 km; 101-300 km; > 300 km). Two insets are included in this sheet, one showing the Focal mechanisms, the other presenting a Tectonic sketch of the Mediterranean region with the age of the different small oceanic basins (remnants Mesozoic basins, Neogene basins) and post-orogenic basins (e.g. Tyrrhenian basin) along with the main tectonic features.

Mercator Projection. Scale: 1:13 000 000 at the Equator (ca. 1:10 000 000 at the center of the Map)

Technische Daten


Breite (cm)
Höhe (cm)


Aktuelles Kartenbild
geologisch & geophysikalisch



Empfohlenes Zubehör

Mikroskopie (1)

Carson 2,5x Lupe (90 mm) mit Griff und 5x Spot

$ 13,90*

*Alle Preise inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer, zzgl. Versandkosten.

UKGE Regional-Karte Geodynamische Karte des Mittelmeers


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